Let Love Sparkle

Golden beam - get inspired!
Our main assumption for this photo shoot was showing you how to arrange your wedding in autumn colors.
We wanted to show you how beautiful and intriguing a wedding in this season can be. 
Our suggestion for stationery during autumn weddings is gold - which, as you can see on the pictures, 
doesn't have to be tacky. 
Gold stationery and accessories, when arranged properly, can give your ceremony 
a touch of elegance, finesse and a sense of warmth to the general theme. 
Gold can be a very graceful color - it looks well with white, burgundy or purple. 
The arrangement below also shows some of our new wedding invitations in white and gold, 
with an addition of glitter, which will be a top trend for next season. 
Flower arrangement in such colors as burgundy, pink and white will complete the theme ideally. 
However, one simple rule needs to be kept - less is more, gold looks best when used with restraint. 
As you can see on pictures - the atmosphere of an old castle surrounded by breathtaking autumn landscapes 
suits gold and glitter perfectly. Dorota and Jarek - our bride and groom, who won participation in this photo shoot 
in a contest - already worked with us. 
However, during the first attempt, the weather was so bad it made us cancel the event. 
Luckily this time we were able to take the pictures and they turned out amazing - see for yourself.
Each accessory was designed to match the invitations, so you can complete everything 
and create an unforgettable theme for your wedding. 
We hope that our proposition will be to your liking 
and the pictures will inspire you to create unique and outstanding ceremony.


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